a timeline
I founded ScrollMotion in 2008 with the idea that all the content content in the world would be sold again on mobile devices. ScrollMotion was a 10 year journey that allowed me to follow this conviction. What started as a hack on an iPod Photo became and ultimately became a platform for creating interactive presentations. In this time I had the opportunity work with some of the smartest and most thoughtful people I have ever had the privilege to collaborate with. This is a scrapbook of some of my favorite moments.
The Beginning
Scrollmotion 1.0
Sometime around 2006 I noticed that the iPod photo browser had a funny quirk that allowed you to zip through your photos using the scroll wheel. I started building scrollable ideas on iPods with the intention exploring interactive mobile experiences. I called them Scrollmotions.
The Reel
Over the next two years, ScrollMotion the company was born. This is the our first reel. It came out the month before the App Store launched in 2008 and as you can see, we built it in the photo browser, not with code. It was vision video about the world that we hoped would come true and it became our calling card.
Apple WWDC Keynote
We launched our first product Iceberg around Christmas 2008 and got invited to appear on stage at the the WWDC Keynote that summer. This was the equivalent of winning nerd survivor and had always been a dream of mine. This clip also includes one of the all time best mispronunciations of my name.

Bump in the road
Our Iceberg launch was set to bring 19 Stephen King books to the App Store (this was pre-iBooks) but do a quirk in the submission process, the use of profanity got us rejected. This screenshot was enclosed in the rejection notice.
Walt Mossberg reviews Iceberg
It was a huge deal to get our first review by Walt Mossberg.